Installation using Kubernetes
You can deploy ASM using Kubernetes (K8s) in one of the following ways:
🖥️ Local installation using minikubeOpens in a new tab.
☁️ Cloud installation using EKSOpens in a new tab by Amazon Web Services (AWS).
The instructions below refer to a fresh installation of ASM.
- Local installation
- Cloud installation
To run ASM locally on a K8s minikube environment, install:
- KubernetesOpens in a new tab and kubectlOpens in a new tab
The open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications along with its command line tool.
- minikubeOpens in a new tab
Local K8s for macOS, Linux, and Windows.
- AWS CLIOpens in a new tab
The official command line interface to manage AWS services.
- HelmOpens in a new tab
The package manager for K8s.
- DockerOpens in a new tab and Docker ComposeOpens in a new tab
The open platform to package and run applications in isolated containers along with the tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.
To run ASM on a K8s cloud AWS environment using Amazon EKS, install:
- kubectlOpens in a new tab
The official command line tool for communicating with a K8s cluster.
- HelmOpens in a new tab
The package manager for K8s.
- AWS CLIOpens in a new tab
The official command line interface to manage AWS services.
- DockerOpens in a new tab and Docker ComposeOpens in a new tab
The open platform to package and run applications in isolated containers along with the tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.
- eksctlOpens in a new tab
A CLI tool for creating and managing clusters on Amazon EKS.
Axiomatics Services Manager is downloaded using the AWS CLI. If you have not already done so, install AWS CLI following the instructions in AWS documentationOpens in a new tab.
Configure the Axiomatics AWS CLI account using the
aws configure
command, as explained in the AWS documentationOpens in a new tab. This procedure requires an Access key ID and a Secret access key, which will have been provided to you by Axiomatics.tipOptionally, you can create and use profiles to store these settings, as described in this AWS help pageOpens in a new tab. This could come in handy in deployments using a remote registry which requires an additional AWS CLI account from your side.
The ASM distribution is downloaded as a ZIP file, containing a pre-configured Docker-based installation. Run the following command in the terminal to download ASM:
aws s3api get-object --bucket axiomatics-customer-artifacts --key releases/com/axiomatics/axiomatics-services-manager/axiomatics-services-manager/7.6.1-0/
Docker registry
The Docker registry is a server side application that stores and lets you distribute Docker images. It is recommended to work with the remote registry provided by Axiomatics, or optionally your own remote registry. However, for local installations only, if a remote registry cannot be supported by your specific setup, then you can deploy a local registry server.
Follow the steps below according to your specific setup:
- Axiomatics registry
- Remote registry
- Local registry
Log in to the Amazon ECR registry provided by Axiomatics.
aws ecr get-login-password --region eu-central-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
In the snippet below replace
with the AWS Region that you want to create your cluster in<aws_account_id>
with your AWS account ID
Configure your AWS CLI account using the
aws configure
command, as explained in the AWS documentationOpens in a new tab.Log in to your Amazon ECR registry.
aws ecr get-login-password --region <region_code> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region_code>
Create the following repositories in your ECR registry, as described in the AWS documentationOpens in a new tab:
In the snippets below replace <hostname>
with your own hostname. In case you do not have a hostname and you are working with localhost
, add the special domain host.docker.internal
Create a directory.
mkdir certs
Create a self-signed certificate.
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes -keyout certs/registry.key -out certs/registry.crt -subj "/CN=<hostname>" -addext "subjectAltName=DNS:<hostname>"
Add the certificate to Docker trusted certificates. Based on your OS:
Install the
certificate on your Local machine in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities.macOS and Linux:
Create the certificates directory, if it doesn't exist already.
sudo mkdir -p /etc/docker/certs.d/<hostname>:5000
Copy the generated certificate to the Docker certificates directory.
sudo cp certs/registry.crt /etc/docker/certs.d/<hostname>:5000/ca.crt
Restart Docker.
Start the local registry from the parent directory of the
folder.docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry -v "$(pwd)"/certs:/certs -e REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_CERTIFICATE=/certs/registry.crt -e REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_KEY=/certs/registry.key registry:2
Create a PEM file and copy it to the Minikube configurations directory.
openssl x509 -in certs/registry.crt -out certs/registry.pem -outform PEM
cp certs/registry.pem ~/.minikube/certs
Docker image
If you are using the Axiomatics registry you should skip this section. However, if you are using your own remote or local registry, the steps below are required.
Build and push the Docker image
Extract the ASM distribution ZIP file to the folder from where you want to run ASM.
Navigate to the
folder of the extracted distribution.Open the
file and update the placeholder values for Access key ID and Secret access key with the values provided by Axiomatics.noteThese are the same values that were used in setting up AWS CLI.
Open the
file and add your registry.- Remote registry
- Local registry
Optionally, for deployments that include Access Decision Service (ADS):
Add your hostname
Open the
file and update the values ofHOST
with your own hostname.noteIn case you are working with
, use the special domainhost.docker.internal
Enable the BuildKit feature of Docker:
- Windows
- Linux/macOS
Build the ASM service and push the image to your registry.
- Dashboard enabled
- Dashboard disabled
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dashboard.yml build
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dashboard.yml push
docker-compose build
docker-compose push
SSL Certificate
In production environments, you should import trusted certificates only, while in dev and test environments you have the ability to create a self-signed certificate.
- Import
- Create
ASM requires a PKCS#12
(Public Key Cryptography Standard #12) certificate. In case you already have a certificate with different format such as .pem
, you should convert it to PKCS#12
. The certificate file must be named cert.keystore.p12
. During the creation of the certificate, the name (or alias) must be set to server
- Navigate to the
folder of the extracted distribution. - Copy your certificate to this folder.
Generate a self-signed certificate as follows:
Navigate to the
folder of the extracted distribution.Open the
file and update the following entries:CERTIFICATE_CN
with your password
Generate the certificate:
- Linux/macOS
- Windows
- From the
folder, run the following command.
- Make sure that the following files were created:
- From the
folder, run the following commands using PowerShell.
In the first command, replace <your_cert_key_store_pw>
and <your_cert_cn>
with the same values that were previously used in the .env
docker build -t certificate -f ./Dockerfile.cert . --build-arg CERTIFICATE_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD=<your_cert_key_store_pw> --build-arg CERTIFICATE_CN=<your_cert_cn>
docker create --name cert certificate; docker cp cert:/cert.keystore.p12 ./cert.keystore.p12; docker cp cert:/server.crt ./server.crt; docker rm -f cert; docker image rm certificate
- Make sure that the following files were created:
Custom configuration
Optionally, you can customize the deployment to your specific requirements by editing the files located within the kubernetes/asmcharts/configurations
directory and its subfolders. Each file contains comprehensive comments for every property explaining their purpose and impact.
Changes to the default configuration introduce potential risks and should be performed with caution. We strongly advise against unnecessary modifications and recommend exploring alternative solutions whenever possible.
Editing the configuration post-deployment is possible, but require specific steps to be followed, as described in the Update configuration during runtime section.
ASM K8s installation
- Local installation
- Cloud installation
Navigate to the
directory.Add the
license file and launch a terminal window in this directory.Start minikube.
minikube start
After minikube has started, launch a new terminal window and create a tunnel.
minikube tunnel
ImportantThis terminal window should remain open during the K8s installation.
On the initial terminal window, create the ASM namespace.
kubectl create namespace axiomatics-asm
Create ConfigMaps
kubectl create configmap certs --from-file=../docker/api.gateway/certs -n axiomatics-asm
Create secrets
Create a Kubernetes database secret.
kubectl create secret generic db-connection \
--from-literal=dbuser=postgres \
--from-literal=dbpassword=password \
--from-literal=dbhost=db \
--from-literal=dbport=5432 \
--from-literal=adm_dbname=domain_manager \
--from-literal=keycloak_dbname=keycloak \
--from-literal=asm_dburl=postgresql://db:5432/asm \
--namespace=axiomatics-asmCreate an ADM credentials secret.
kubectl create secret generic adm-credentials \
--from-literal=admApiAuthUsername=admin \
--from-literal=admApiAuthPassword=secret -n axiomatics-asmCreate a Keycloak credentials secret.
kubectl create secret generic keycloak-credentials \
--from-literal=keycloakUser=admin \
--from-literal=keycloakPassword=admin -n axiomatics-asmCreate a secret for pulling from ECR.
ImportantSkip this step if you are using a Local registry.
kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred \
--docker-server=<aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region_code> \
--docker-username=AWS --docker-password=$(aws ecr get-login-password --region <region_code>) \
--namespace=axiomatics-asmCreate an ASM License secret.
kubectl create secret generic asm-license \
--from-file=axiomatics_ASM.license \
--namespace axiomatics-asm
Final steps
You can deploy ASM with the Dashboard functionality enabled or not.
Follow the steps below according to your specific setup:
- Dashboard enabled
- Dashboard disabled
The Dashboard provides visualization of key metrics for monitoring the authorization performance of the running instances of Access Decision Service (ADS).
Navigate to the
directory and install ASM using Helm.ImportantReplace the placeholders with your own values. For details, see the table below.
helm install -n axiomatics-asm asm -f asmcharts/values.yaml asmcharts --set imageRegistry=<image_registry> --set asmHostname=<your_asm_hostname> --set enableMetricsDashboard=true
tipStore this command in a TXT file for future reference, such as when upgrading to a later version of ASM or in case you want to enable cluster-level logging.
Navigate to the
directory and install ASM using Helm.ImportantReplace the placeholders with your own values. For details, see the table below.
helm install -n axiomatics-asm asm -f asmcharts/values.yaml asmcharts --set imageRegistry=<image_registry> --set asmHostname=<your_asm_hostname>
tipStore this command in a TXT file for future reference, such as when upgrading to a later version of ASM or in case you want to enable cluster-level logging.
Placeholder | Value |
<image_registry> | The image registry: - For local registry: host.docker.internal:5000/ - For remote or Axiomatics registry: <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region_code> |
<your_asm_hostname> | The hostname assigned to the instance running ASM. The default is localhost . |
SSH to minikube, update the permissions, and exit.
ImportantRun each of the following commands individually.
minikube ssh
sudo -i
cd /tmp/hostpath-provisioner/axiomatics-asm
chown -R 999:999 db/
exitList all pods and make sure they are all running.
kubectl get all -n axiomatics-asm
In the snippets below replace
with the AWS Region that you want to create your cluster in<my_cluster>
with the name of your cluster<aws_account_id>
with your AWS account ID<db_endpoint>
with your own DB instance endpoint value such
Navigate to the
directory and add theaxiomatics_ASM.license
license file.Launch a terminal window in this directory.
Create an Amazon EKS cluster
Create a cluster.
eksctl create cluster --name <my_cluster> --region <region_code>
to communicate with your eks update-kubeconfig --region <region_code> --name <my_cluster>
Create a load balancer using Helm
Creating an IAM OIDC provider for your cluster.
eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider --region <region-code> --cluster <my_cluster> --approve
Create an IAM policy.
Download an IAM policy for the AWS Load Balancer Controller that allows it to make calls to AWS APIs on your behalf.
curl -o iam_policy.json
Create an IAM policy using the policy downloaded in the previous step.
aws iam create-policy --policy-name AWSLoadBalancerControllerIAMPolicy --policy-document file://iam_policy.json
Create an IAM role and a Kubernetes service account.
eksctl create iamserviceaccount \
--cluster=<my_cluster> \
--namespace=kube-system \
--name=aws-load-balancer-controller \
--role-name "AmazonEKSLoadBalancerControllerRole" \
--attach-policy-arn=arn:aws:iam::<aws_account_id>:policy/AWSLoadBalancerControllerIAMPolicy \
--approveInstall the AWS Load Balancer Controller using Helm.
Add the
repository.helm repo add eks
Update your local repo to make sure that you have the most recent charts.
helm repo update
Install the AWS Load Balancer Controller.
with your own VPC ID which can be found on the EKS cluster's Networking tab.helm install aws-load-balancer-controller eks/aws-load-balancer-controller \
-n kube-system \
--set clusterName=<my_cluster> \
--set serviceAccount.create=false \
--set \
--set region=<region_code> \
--set vpcId=<vpc_id> \
Create and configure the Axiomatics namespace
Create the namespace.
kubectl create ns axiomatics-asm
Upload an SSL certificate to the AWS Certificate Manager (ACM).
noteIn case you don't have a self-signed certificate, you can create one locally with the following command, and then upload it to AWS Certificate Manager (ACM).
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes -keyout certs/registry.key -out certs/registry.crt -subj "/CN=<hostname>" -addext "subjectAltName=DNS:<hostname>"
Create the databases
In the same VPC as the EKS cluster, create a PostgreSQL 15.4 database using Amazon RDS.
Configure the security groups. Enable ingress on the RDS security group on port 5432 from VPC CIDR.
Create a temporary POD to log in to the database.
kubectl run -n axiomatics-asm pgshell --pod-running-timeout=5m0s --rm -i --tty --image postgres -- /bin/bash
Log in to the RDS.
psql -h <db_endpoint> -U postgres template1
Create the databases.
create database asm;
create database keycloak;
create database domain_manager;
create database pd;
grant all privileges on database asm to postgres;
grant all privileges on database domain_manager to postgres;
grant all privileges on database keycloak to postgres;
grant all privileges on database pd to postgres;Exit.
Create ConfigMaps
kubectl create configmap certs --from-file=../docker/api.gateway/certs/cert.keystore.p12 -n axiomatics-asm
Create secrets
Create a Kubernetes database secret.
ImportantReplace the placeholders for the database user, password, and host URL with your own.
kubectl create secret generic db-connection \
--from-literal=dbuser=<db_user> \
--from-literal=dbpassword=<db_password> \
--from-literal=dbhost=<db_endpoint> \
--from-literal=dbport=5432 \
--from-literal=adm_dbname=domain_manager \
--from-literal=keycloak_dbname=keycloak \
--from-literal=asm_dburl=postgresql://<db_endpoint>:5432/asm \
--namespace=axiomatics-asmCreate an ADM credentials secret.
kubectl create secret generic adm-credentials \
--from-literal=admApiAuthUsername=admin \
--from-literal=admApiAuthPassword=secret -n axiomatics-asmCreate a Keycloak credentials secret.
kubectl create secret generic keycloak-credentials \
--from-literal=keycloakUser=admin \
--from-literal=keycloakPassword=admin -n axiomatics-asmCreate a secret for pulling from ECR.
kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred \
--docker-server=<aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region_code> \
--docker-username=AWS --docker-password=$(aws ecr get-login-password --region <region_code>) \
--namespace=axiomatics-asmCreate an ASM License secret.
kubectl create secret generic asm-license \
--from-file=axiomatics_ASM.license -n axiomatics-asm
Final steps
You can deploy ASM with the Dashboard functionality enabled or not.
Follow the steps below according to your specific setup:
- Dashboard enabled
- Dashboard disabled
The Dashboard provides visualization of key metrics for monitoring the authorization performance of the running instances of Access Decision Service (ADS).
- Create an IAM policy and roleOpens in a new tab using `eksctl`.
- Install the Amazon EFS driverOpens in a new tab using Helm.
- Create two EFS file systemsOpens in a new tab in the VPC that EKS is running named:
Find the security group of the EKS cluster.
Select EKS cluster > Networking > Cluster security group
Use the same security group for the two EFS file systems you created previously.
Select EFS > select the File System > Network > Manage
Navigate to the
directory and install ASM using Helm.ImportantReplace the placeholders with your own values. For details, see the table below.
helm install -n axiomatics-asm asm -f asmcharts/values.yaml asmcharts --set imageRegistry=<your_image_registry> --set asmHostname=<your_asm_hostname> --set useExternalDatabase=true --set gateway.service.type=ClusterIP --set isAwsInstallation=true --set certificateArn=<certificate_ARN> --set serverSslKeyStorePassword=<keystore_password> --set enableMetricsDashboard=true --set influx.efsPvInfluxDataVolumeId=<influx_data_EFS_ID> --set influx.efsPvInfluxConfigVolumeId=<influx_config_EFS_ID>
tipStore this command in a TXT file for future reference, such as when upgrading to a later version of ASM or in case you want to enable cluster-level logging.
Navigate to the
directory and install ASM using Helm.ImportantReplace the placeholders with your own values. For details, see the table below.
helm install -n axiomatics-asm asm -f asmcharts/values.yaml asmcharts --set imageRegistry=<your_image_registry> --set asmHostname=<your_asm_hostname> --set useExternalDatabase=true --set gateway.service.type=ClusterIP --set isAwsInstallation=true --set certificateArn=<certificate_ARN>
tipStore this command in a TXT file for future reference, such as when upgrading to a later version of ASM or in case you want to enable cluster-level logging.
Placeholder | Value |
<your_image_registry> | The image registry: - For local registry: host.docker.internal:5000/ - For remote or Axiomatics registry: <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region_code> |
<your_asm_hostname> | The hostname of the instance running ASM. TIP: In case you don't have a hostname, use localhost . |
<certificate_ARN> | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) specifying the server SSL certificate that you have configured on AWS ACM. This is going to be used by the load balancer. |
<keystore_password> | The password that will be used to decrypt the KeyStore. |
<influx_data_EFS_ID> | The Resource ID of the influx-data EFS.NOTE: Required only for deployments with Dashboard. |
<influx_config_EFS_ID> | The Resource ID of the influx-config EFS.NOTE: Required only for deployments with Dashboard. |
Upgrade the Helm charts replacing
with the DNS name assigned to the ALB created in front of the ASM instance.ImportantThis step is required ONLY IF you installed ASM using Helm with
as the value of theasmHostname
property.helm upgrade -n axiomatics-asm asm -f asmcharts/values.yaml asmcharts --set imageRegistry=<your_image_registry> --set asmHostname=<ALB_DNS_name> --set useExternalDatabase=true --set gateway.service.type=ClusterIP --set isAwsInstallation=true --set certificateArn=<certificate_ARN> --set serverSslKeyStorePassword=<keystore_password> --set enableMetricsDashboard=true --set influx.efsPvInfluxDataVolumeId=<influx_data_EFS_ID> --set influx.efsPvInfluxConfigVolumeId=<influx_config_EFS_ID>
List all pods and make sure they are all running.
kubectl get all -n axiomatics-asm
If you need to modify the configuration after successful deployment, refer to the instructions in the Update configuration during runtime section.
In the snippets below replace
with your cluster's AWS Region<aws_account_id>
with your AWS account ID
Kubernetes statuses
If the pod status is ErrImagePull
because of an expired registry credentials secret:
- Delete secret.
kubectl delete secret regcred -n axiomatics-asm
- Recreate it.
kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server=<aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region_code> --docker-username=AWS --docker-password=$(aws ecr get-login-password --region <region_code>) --namespace=axiomatics-asm
The status ImagePullBackOff
means that the ECR Docker image is too large and cannot be downloaded. To resolve this issue, use the following commands to download the required image within minikube.
Replace the placeholders with the appropriate values before running the commands.
Run each of the following commands individually.
minikube ssh
su - root # Default password is 'root'
apt-get update
apt-get install unzip
curl "" -o ""
sudo ./aws/install
aws configure # Provide AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key
aws ecr get-login-password --region <region_code> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region_code>
docker pull <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region_code><version>
Log in to ASM
After the installation has finished, open a web browser window and go to:
- Default hostname
- Custom hostname
if you are using the default hostname.Append
to the hostname you are using. For example,
.The login page for ASM displays. Use the default credentials:
- Username:
- Password:
You will immediately be prompted to change the password. After doing so, you are logged in to ASM for the first time.
- Username:
What's next?
Additional configuration
Once the installation of ASM has been verified as successful, there are additional configurations you may want to consider.
Add users
During the deployment, a Keycloak service was also installed, to serve as an authentication module for the users of ASM. Only a default administrative user is created automatically at this time. All other users must be created and assigned a role in Keycloak, before they can log in to ASM.
To add more users and map them to roles you must use Keycloak as described in Manage users in Keycloak. Then, you can assign them to projects following the instructions in the Users and projects topic.
For deployments with Policy Designer, you should also configure Keycloak accordingly.