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Version: 1.9


Access Decision Service (ADS) can be downloaded as a distribution zip file, containing a pre-configured Docker-based installation, or as a single jar file to be run from the command line.

Java virtual machine

An official, production-ready release of the Java Development Kit (JDK) compatible with 64-bit Java SE 8 or Java SE 11.


Access Decision Service is a Java Virtual Machine application and should be expected to run on any platform for which an official, production-ready release of the appropriate Java Virtual Machine exists.

If the method of running ADS in a Docker container is chosen, the platform must be able to run Docker Engine and Docker Compose.

Memory requirements

512 MB minimum memory

Third-party software

If the method of running ADS in a Docker container is chosen, the following third-party software must be installed before installing ADS.

Docker Desktop

  • Docker Engine 20.10 or later
  • Docker Compose 1.28 or later

ADS 1.9 has been tested with Docker Engine 20.10 and Docker Compose 1.28.

Ports usage

The following TCP ports are currently used by ADS modules, and should be free to use in your operating system.

  • 8080
  • 8081

Key files and license

Some items needed for the installation will be provided separately by Axiomatics:

  • An Access key ID and a Secret access key to use as credentials for AWS CLI
  • An ADS license file

ADS cannot be downloaded and installed without these items. Contact Axiomatics Customer Support if you have not received them.

Preparing to install ADS


Access Decision Service is downloaded via AWS CLI.

  • If you have not already done so, install AWS CLI according to the instructions here.

Downloading the file

ADM can be downloaded as a distribution zip file, containing a pre-configured Docker-based installation, or as a single jar file.

  1. To have the appropriate access to Axiomatics' downloads, you need to configure the AWS CLI account with the aws configure command, as explained here. For this step, you will need an Access key ID and a Secret access key, which will be provided to you by Axiomatics.

  2. After configuring the AWS CLI account, run one of the following commands in the terminal to download either the ADS distribution zip file or the jar file:

ADS distribution zip file

aws s3api get-object --bucket axiomatics-customer-artifacts --key releases/com/axiomatics/access-decision-service/access-decision-service/1.9.0/

ADS jar file

aws s3api get-object --bucket axiomatics-customer-artifacts --key releases/com/axiomatics/access-decision-service/access-decision-service/1.9.0/access-decision-service-1.9.0.jar access-decision-service-1.9.0.jar

Note: In the ADS documentation, the jar file is always referred to in full, that is, access-decision-service-<version>.jar.

This downloads the selected file to your computer.