[//]: # " Copyright (c) 2018, 2021 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. " [//]: # " " [//]: # " This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the " [//]: # " terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0, which is available at " [//]: # " http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. " [//]: # " " [//]: # " SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause " # Notices for Eclipse Implementation of JAXB This content is produced and maintained by the Eclipse Implementation of JAXB project. * Project home: https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/ee4j.jaxb-impl ## Trademarks Eclipse Implementation of JAXB is a trademark of the Eclipse Foundation. ## Copyright All content is the property of the respective authors or their employers. For more information regarding authorship of content, please consult the listed source code repository logs. ## Declared Project Licenses This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause ## Source Code The project maintains the following source code repositories: * https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jaxb-ri * https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jaxb-istack-commons * https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jaxb-dtd-parser * https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jaxb-fi * https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jaxb-stax-ex * https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jax-rpc-ri ## Third-party Content This project leverages the following third party content. Apache Ant (1.10.2) * License: Apache-2.0 AND W3C AND LicenseRef-Public-Domain Apache Ant (1.10.2) * License: Apache-2.0 AND W3C AND LicenseRef-Public-Domain Apache Felix (1.2.0) * License: Apache License, 2.0 args4j (2.33) * License: MIT License dom4j (1.6.1) * License: Custom license based on Apache 1.1 file-management (3.0.0) * License: Apache-2.0 * Project: https://maven.apache.org/shared/file-management/ * Source: https://svn.apache.org/viewvc/maven/shared/tags/file-management-3.0.0/ JUnit (4.12) * License: Eclipse Public License JUnit (4.12) * License: Eclipse Public License maven-compat (3.5.2) * License: Apache-2.0 * Project: https://maven.apache.org/ref/3.5.2/maven-compat/ * Source: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.maven/maven-compat/3.5.2 maven-core (3.5.2) * License: Apache-2.0 * Project: https://maven.apache.org/ref/3.5.2/maven-core/index.html * Source: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.maven/maven-core/3.5.2 maven-plugin-annotations (3.5) * License: Apache-2.0 * Project: https://maven.apache.org/plugin-tools/maven-plugin-annotations/ * Source: https://github.com/apache/maven-plugin-tools/tree/master/maven-plugin-annotations maven-plugin-api (3.5.2) * License: Apache-2.0 maven-resolver-api (1.1.1) * License: Apache-2.0 maven-resolver-api (1.1.1) * License: Apache-2.0 maven-resolver-connector-basic (1.1.1) * License: Apache-2.0 maven-resolver-impl (1.1.1) * License: Apache-2.0 maven-resolver-spi (1.1.1) * License: Apache-2.0 maven-resolver-transport-file (1.1.1) * License: Apache-2.0 * Project: https://maven.apache.org/resolver/maven-resolver-transport-file/ * Source: https://github.com/apache/maven-resolver/tree/master/maven-resolver-transport-file maven-resolver-util (1.1.1) * License: Apache-2.0 maven-settings (3.5.2) * License: Apache-2.0 * Source: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.maven/maven-settings/3.5.2 OSGi Service Platform Core Companion Code (6.0) * License: Apache License, 2.0 plexus-archiver (3.5) * License: Apache-2.0 * Project: https://codehaus-plexus.github.io/plexus-archiver/ * Source: https://github.com/codehaus-plexus/plexus-archiver plexus-io (3.0.0) * License: Apache-2.0 plexus-utils (3.1.0) * License: Apache- 2.0 or Apache- 1.1 or BSD or Public Domain or Indiana University Extreme! Lab Software License V1.1.1 (Apache 1.1 style) relaxng-datatype (1.0) * License: New BSD license Sax (0.2) * License: SAX-PD * Project: http://www.megginson.com/downloads/SAX/ * Source: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=29449 testng (6.14.2) * License: Apache-2.0 AND (MIT OR GPL-1.0+) * Project: https://testng.org/doc/index.html * Source: https://github.com/cbeust/testng wagon-http-lightweight (3.0.0) * License: Pending * Project: https://maven.apache.org/wagon/ * Source: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.maven.wagon/wagon-http-lightweight/3.0.0 xz for java (1.8) * License: LicenseRef-Public-Domain ## Cryptography Content may contain encryption software. The country in which you are currently may have restrictions on the import, possession, and use, and/or re-export to another country, of encryption software. BEFORE using any encryption software, please check the country's laws, regulations and policies concerning the import, possession, or use, and re-export of encryption software, to see if this is permitted.