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Version: 1.1


Axiomatics Contextual Authorization Query (CAQ) is downloaded as a single JAR file to be run from the command line.

Java virtual machine

An official, production-ready release of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) compatible with 64-bit Java SE 17 and Java SE 21.


The service for Contextual Authorization Query is a Java Virtual Machine application and should be expected to run on any platform for which an official, production-ready release of the appropriate Java Virtual Machine exists.

Ports usage

The following TCP port is currently used by CAQ modules and should be free to use in your operating system:

  • 8080 for HTTP/HTTPS

However, you can configure a custom port according to your specific setup as described in the Ports section.

Files and license

Key files and license

The following will be provided separately by Axiomatics:

  • An Access key ID and a Secret access key to use as credentials for AWS CLI
  • A CAQ license file

CAQ cannot be downloaded and installed without these items. Contact Axiomatics Customer SupportOpens in a new tab if you have not received them.

Deployment files

The service for CAQ is a Java component that is run as a JAR file from the command line. Before running the command to start the service, the following items must also be set up and available.

  • The Contextual Authorization Query jar file.
  • A deployment configuration file. See the section Basic configuration for a description of the settings.
  • The Contextual Authorization Query license key file (provided separately by Axiomatics), with a file reference to it in the license property in the deployment configuration file. See License for more information.
  • An authorization domain configuration file, with a file reference to it in the domain property in the deployment configuration file. See the section Authorization domain configuration for a description of this configuration.