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Version: 7.6

Useful information and commands

This section provides a quick reference for managing your Axiomatics Services Manager (ASM) deployment on Docker or Kubernetes (K8s) environments.

Data persistence using volumes in Docker deployments

ASM implements volumes for externalizing the data state, that is, ensuring the persistence of data generated and used by Docker containers.

No further configuration is necessary. If more information is required, read the Use volumesOpens in a new tabOpens in a new tab topic of the Docker documentation.


Volumes do not create a folder on the host machine, but are managed by Docker commands. See the Backup, restore, or migrate data volumesOpens in a new tabOpens in a new tab topic of the Docker documentation for more information about all the possible user actions like deletion, backups, restore, migration, etc.

Restart ASM

ASM's restart process varies depending on the environment. Refer to the steps specific to your deployment type below.


From the docker directory:

  1. Stop your application.

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dashboard.yml stop
  2. Restart your application.

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dashboard.yml up


  1. Restart all pods.

    kubectl rollout restart deployment/adm -n axiomatics-asm
    kubectl rollout restart deployment/asm -n axiomatics-asm
    kubectl rollout restart deployment/db -n axiomatics-asm
    kubectl rollout restart deployment/gateway -n axiomatics-asm
    kubectl rollout restart deployment/keycloak -n axiomatics-asm
    kubectl rollout restart deployment/pd-api -n axiomatics-asm
    kubectl rollout restart deployment/pd-ui -n axiomatics-asm
    kubectl rollout restart deployment/service-aggregator -n axiomatics-asm
  2. If you are using the Dashboard functionality, restart the InfluxDB pod as well.

    kubectl rollout restart deployment/influxdb -n axiomatics-asm