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Version: 7.1


ASM logging is enabled by default, and logging output is generated from the moment the application is started (including the startup sequence).

Each internal component of ASM creates logs, which are brought together and automatically exported to a folder inside the Docker container.

The logs record every event carried out via either the web GUI or the administrative API, creating a catalogue of important events regarding the system's operation. All logs are produced at "INFO" level.

Viewing the log output

  • Navigate to the docker/logs folder of the Docker container (that is, the extracted distribution file).

Before ASM has been started for the first time, the logs folder contains subfolders for each of the internal components of ASM, all of which are initially empty. Once ASM is running, the log output for each of these components will be populated inside its corresponding folder.

Customizing logging

Please contact Axiomatics Customer Support for instructions on adapting or customizing the logging configuration. As this process brings together information from internal components depending on customer choices, it does not lend itself to a generic description.