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Version: 7.1


The upgrade procedure depends on the version from which the upgrade is being performed and you can only perform upgrading between two consecutive ASM versions (e.g. ASM 7.0.0 to ASM 7.0.1).

It is highly recommended to backup your system before proceeding with an upgrade. Please refer to chapter Backup and Restore in the Appendix for instructions on how to backup and restore your databases.

Note: Upgrading ASM will cause downtime for the application and consequently a temporary loss of service, so the upgrade should be planned for an ASM service window when downtime is permitted.

Upgrading from ASM 6.2.x to ASM 7.0.0

The upgrade from ASM 6.2.x version to ASM 7.0.0 is NOT supported.

Upgrading from ASM 7.0.0 to ASM 7.0.1

The following steps describe how to upgrade from ASM 7.0.0 to ASM 7.0.1. The procedure is essentially about copying the database from the old environment to the new.

This method will only work for this particular upgrade because it cannot support future possible database migrations.

Note: This upgrade procedure transfers the existing Keycloak users to the new database. This will hide the prompt for updating the password for the asm-admin user.

  1. Enter the database container.
$ docker exec -it -u postgres docker_db_1 bash
  1. Dump the databases.
$ cd /tmp
$ pg_dump asm > asm.sql
$ pg_dump domain_manager > domain_manager.sql
  1. Exit the container.
$ exit
  1. Copy the SQL files to the host.
$ docker cp docker_db_1:/tmp/asm.sql .
$ docker cp docker_db_1:/tmp/domain_manager.sql .
  1. Navigate to the ASM 7.0.0 folder, stop ASM 7.0.0 and remove the containers.
$ docker-compose down
  1. Navigate to the ASM 7.0.1 folder and follow the instructions to run ASM.
  2. Stop all the services containers except the database container when ASM 7.0.1 is up and running. Leave the database container up.
$ docker stop docker_adm_1 docker_service-aggregator_1 docker_asm_1 docker_gateway_1 docker_keycloak_1
  1. Copy the SQL files to the new database container.
$ docker cp <path_to_file>/asm.sql docker_db_1:/
$ docker cp <path_to_file>/domain_manager.sql docker_db_1:/
  1. Enter the database container.
$ docker exec -it -u postgres docker_db_1 bash
  1. Drop the databases, create them again and run the SQL files.
$ psql template1 -c 'drop database asm'
$ psql template1 -c 'drop database domain_manager'

$ psql template1 -c 'create database asm'
$ psql template1 -c 'create database domain_manager'

$ psql asm < asm.sql
$ psql domain_manager < domain_manager.sql
  1. Exit the container.
$ exit
  1. Start all the services' containers again.
$ docker start docker_adm_1 docker_service-aggregator_1 docker_asm_1 docker_gateway_1 docker_keycloak_1

Upgrading from ASM 7.0.1 to ASM 7.1.0

ASM 7.0.1 introduced state persistence using Docker Volumes.

Note: Before proceeding to the upgrade, it is recommended to backup your ASM 7.0.1 data, according to the instructions described in Backup and Restore.

The procedure is essentially about upgrading the database, and this method will only work for this particular upgrade.

Note: The logs will not be migrated. The old logs will remain in the old 7.0.1 logs folder.

  1. Navigate to the ASM 7.0.1 folder, stop ASM and remove all the containers.
$ docker-compose down
  1. Navigate to the ASM 7.1 folder and extract the ASM distribution .zip file to the folder from where you want to run ASM.

  2. Navigate to the docker/ folder of the extracted distribution.

  3. Open the file credentials.txt in a text editor.

  4. Update the placeholder values for Access key ID and Secret access key with the values provided by Axiomatics. (These are the same values that were used in setting up AWS CLI.)

  5. Save and close credentials.txt.

  6. Copy a valid ASM license file to the docker/ folder. (This file is provided separately by Axiomatics.)

  7. In the docker/ folder, start only the service container for the database container.

    The command depends on whether you wish to enable the Dashboard functionality, or not:

  • Dashboard functionality:
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dashboard.yml up --detach --build db
  • No Dashboard functionality:
$ docker-compose up --detach --build db
  1. Enter the container.
$ docker exec -it -u root docker_db_1 bash
  1. Inside the container, run the following commands one by one:
$ pg_dump -U "$POSTGRES_USER" -h localhost -d asm -T \"ISPN_DATA_jdbcRepository\" -T content_store -b > kc_data.sql
$ psql -U "$POSTGRES_USER" -h localhost -c "CREATE DATABASE keycloak;"
$ psql -q -U "$POSTGRES_USER" -h localhost -d keycloak -f kc_data.sql
$ rm -f kc_data.sql
$ pg_dump -U "$POSTGRES_USER" -h localhost -d asm -t \"ISPN_DATA_jdbcRepository\" -t content_store -b > asm_core_data.sql
$ psql -U "$POSTGRES_USER" -h localhost -c "DROP DATABASE asm;"
$ psql -U "$POSTGRES_USER" -h localhost -c "CREATE DATABASE asm;"
$ psql -q -U "$POSTGRES_USER" -h localhost -d asm -f asm_core_data.sql
$ rm -f asm_core_data.sql
  1. Exit the container.
$ exit
  1. Start all the services containers again, with the Dashboard functionality enabled, or not.
  • Dashboard functionality:
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dashboard.yml up --build
  • No Dashboard functionality:
$ docker-compose up --build