The HTTP Attribute Connector is downloaded using AWS CLI. If you have not already done so, install AWS CLI following the instructions in AWS documentationOpens in a new tab.
Download the files
The HTTP Attribute Connector is downloaded as a JAR file.
Configure the AWS CLI account using the
aws configure
command, as explained in the AWS documentationOpens in a new tab. This step requires the Access key ID and Secret access key provided to you by Axiomatics.Run the following command in the terminal:
aws s3api get-object --bucket axiomatics-customer-artifacts --key releases/com/axiomatics/attribute-connectors/http/http-attribute-connector/5.3.0/http-attribute-connector-5.3.0.jar http-attribute-connector-5.3.0.jar
Install the HTTP Attribute Connector
The HTTP Attribute Connector can be used by several components developed by Axiomatics and its installation depends on the component that will be using it. Go to the relevant documentation set to learn how to install or update attribute connectors:
Axiomatics Services Manager:
- ASM 7.4+
- ASM 7.0 - 7.3
- ASM 6.2.x
ASM is delivered with the HTTP Attribute Connector included. See ASM docs: Update attribute connectorsOpens in a new tab for details.
You can install the HTTP Attribute Connector in the same way as custom Attribute Connectors. To learn more, read the Custom Attribute Connectors section of the ASM documentation setOpens in a new tab for your version.
tipUse the version dropdown in the upper right corner to see the relevant documentation version.
Refer to the ASM documentation PDF file for details.
ImportantPrior to deployment, you should add the httpclient-4.5.13.jar to the Tomcat/WebSphere/JBoss classpath.
Access Decision Service: For more information, see ADS docs: Attribute connectorsOpens in a new tab.
Contextual Authorization Query: See CAQ docs: Attribute connectorsOpens in a new tab for details.