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Version: 5.3

Configuration using Java system properties

The following features can be configured using Java system properties.

The parameters below control various aspects of the HTTP Attribute Connector's behavior. You can edit the parameter values to suit your needs.


Change configuration parameters with caution as arbitrary changes may have a negative impact on performance.

HTTP client timeouts

You can configure the HTTP connect, HTTP read, and socket timeouts using the following system properties.

AXIOMATICS_HTTP_AC_DISABLE_TIMEOUTtrue/falseDefines whether the HTTP connect, HTTP read, and socket timeouts are disabled.
The default is false.
AXIOMATICS_HTTP_AC_HTTP_TIMEOUT_SECONDSintDefines the HTTP connect, HTTP read, and socket timeout limit.
The default is 60 seconds.

HTTP connection pooling

Connection pooling allows the reusage of existing pre-established connections, rather than creating new for each service request. Establishing connections can be achieved either directly or through a route that may involve multiple intermediate connections. This results in reduced average response times and a lower overhead associated with creating new connections.

AXIOMATICS_HTTP_AC_CLIENTS_POOL_TOTAL_CONNECTIONSintDefines the number of connections kept open after use and stored in a pool.
The default is 30 connections.
AXIOMATICS_HTTP_AC_CLIENTS_POOL_CONNECTIONS_PER_ROUTEintThis property defines the maximum number of concurrent connections per route.
The default is 5 connections per route.
AXIOMATICS_HTTP_AC_CONNECTION_TIME_TO_LIVE_SECONDSintDefines the maximum life span of an established pooled connection if kept idle.
The default is 60 seconds.
NOTE: If the server accessed through the HTTP Attribute Connector has a timeout smaller than the one set in this property, then the server will terminate the connection regardless of the value you enter.
AXIOMATICS_HTTP_AC_DISABLE_CONNECTION_STATEtrue/falseDisables connection state tracking. Therefore, the Apache components client does not reset HTTPS connections, and a single HTTPS connection can be reused.
The default is true.

Secure HTTP configuration

The following property builds an HttpClient object as HttpClients.custom().useSystemProperties().

AXIOMATICS_HTTP_PIP_USE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT_TLStrue/falseBuilds an HttpClient object that makes calls using the default TLS configuration of your system. The default is false.

For more information about HttpClient, see the Apache documentationOpens in a new tab.