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Version: 1.11


Authentication using an authorization server

ADS can be configured to authenticate itself against Axiomatics Services Manager (ASM) or any authorization server, and send client credentials when requesting a domain configuration file from an authorization server.

To configure this, you must add the property authHttpClientConfiguration to the deployment configuration file.

clientId: ads
clientSecret: <String>
tokenUri: https://<hostname>/auth/realms/asm/protocol/openid-connect/token
timeout: 5 seconds

Authorization server configuration


Axiomatics recommends using environment variables to populate sensitive information, for example.

timeout: 5 seconds

Authorization server configuration using environment variables

  1. Open the deployment configuration file in a text editor.
  2. Add the property authHttpClientConfiguration:
  3. Add the parameters clientId:, clientSecret:, tokenUri:, and timeout:

These are the parameter values to set:

  • clientId: A valid String which should be the name of the client (configured in the authorization server), that is, the ADS instance name.

  • clientSecret: A valid String which is the generated secret for the specific client (configured in the authorization server). It is automatically generated after the clientId has been configured.

  • tokenUri: A valid URL which is the specific URI to the authorization server:


    These three parameters and their values must be configured in the authorization server in question before they are entered/copied into the deployment configuration file.

  • timeout: The maximum idle time for a connection, once established. The recommended starting value is 5 seconds. The default value is 500 ms.

TLS options

TLS can be configured in different ways, to accommodate the requirements of your implementation.


timeout: 5 seconds
keyStorePath: file:<path_to_file>/client.keystore
keyStorePassword: changeit
keyStoreType: pkcs12

TLS with client certificate

timeout: 5 seconds
keyStorePath: file:<path_to_file>/client.keystore
keyStorePassword: changeit
keyStoreType: pkcs12
trustStorePath: file:<path_to_file>/client.truststore
trustStorePassword: changeit
trustStoreType: pkcs12

Authorization server configuration with TLS and TLS with client certificate

Concurrent use with httpClientConfiguration


The configuration authHttpClientConfiguration can be set concurrently with the httpClientConfiguration (see below). However, some restrictions apply.

Configure ADS to retrieve authorization domain from ASM

ADS can be configured to retrieve its authorization domain from ASM/ADM or a standalone ADM. To do so, you can configure the domain property of the deployment.yaml file in order to retrieve the domain using one of the two ADM’s endpoints as displayed in the examples below:


To retrieve the domain from ASM, you have to configure the authentication to ASM as described in Concurrent use with authHttpClientConfiguration section.

ADS using RetrieveDomainByName endpoint

The RetrieveDomainByName endpoint is used to retrieve a specific domain within a namespace.


domain: https://<hostname>/adm/api/namespaces/test/names/testA/domain

In this example test is the namespace and testA is the domain name.

ADS using RetrieveDomainByID endpoint

The RetrieveDomainByID endpoint is used to retrieve a specific domain instance by its id.


domain: http://<hostname>/adm/api/domains/e8a9e7d6-8fc6-4706-ac7d-a74eff74c58c

In this example e8a9e7d6-8fc6-4706-ac7d-a74eff74c58c is the domain-id.

HTTP client configuration

To have ADS send user credentials when requesting a domain configuration file from remote locations that support Basic Authentication, you need to configure the httpClientConfiguration property in the deployment configuration file.

domainUser: ${HTTPCLIENT_USER}
domainPassword: ${HTTPCLIENT_PASS}
timeout: 5 seconds

HTTP client configuration

  1. Open the deployment configuration file in a text editor.
  2. Add the property httpClientConfiguration:
  3. Add the parameters domainUser:, domainPassword:
  4. Add the property timeout:

There are four values to set:

  • domainUser: The user name.
  • domainPassword: The password of the user.
  • timeout: The maximum idle time for a connection, once established. The recommended starting value is 5 seconds. The default value is 500 ms.

Axiomatics recommends using environment variables to populate the sensitive information when configuring the user/password required by the server where the domain is located.

If you want ADS to read the domain configuration from a file on the local file system, then the httpClientConfiguration property is not needed.

TLS options

TLS can be configured in different ways, to accommodate the requirements of your implementation.


domainUser: ${HTTPCLIENT_USER}
domainPassword: ${HTTPCLIENT_PASS}
timeout: 5 seconds
keyStorePath: file:<path_to_file>/client.keystore
keyStorePassword: changeit
keyStoreType: pkcs12

TLS with client certificate

domainUser: ${HTTPCLIENT_USER}
domainPassword: ${HTTPCLIENT_PASS}
timeout: 5 seconds
keyStorePath: file:<path_to_file>/client.keystore
keyStorePassword: changeit
keyStoreType: pkcs12
trustStorePath: file:<path_to_file>/client.truststore
trustStorePassword: changeit
trustStoreType: pkcs12

HTTP client configuration with TLS and TLS with client certificate

Concurrent use with authHttpClientConfiguration


The configuration httpClientConfiguration can be set concurrently with the authHttpClientConfiguration (see above). However, when the authHttpClientConfiguration is used, the httpClientConfiguration cannot include the domain properties.

This configuration is allowedThis configuration is NOT ALLOWED

Authentication using self-signed certificates

ADS can be configured to trust self-signed certificates. This option can be enabled or disabled via the deployment.yaml file by changing the trustSelfSignedCertificates property as displayed in the examples below.


The trustSelfSignedCertificates property is disabled by default.


Due to security-related risks, Axiomatics does not recommend the use of the self-signed certificates configuration for production environments.

ADS using self-signed certificates with authHttpClientConfiguration

trustSelfSignedCertificates: true

ADS using self-signed certificates with httpClientConfiguration

trustSelfSignedCertificates: true